"What makes photography a strange invention is that its primary raw materials are light and time."
John Berger
The photograph albums are diaries of places stayed or lived in, visited, remain even if in abstract. Some photographs are used digitally as part of the process to create a digital painting. Repeated images recall past work in printmaking - etching, linocut and silkscreen. Using photographs to create textures for backdrops [wallpapers] harks back to days of rolling materials into soft ground on a copper plate. Internal lines and outlines recall silkscreen and layers the random looseness of printing lino on a large Columbian press. The practice of learning to cut away, dispose of, to reduce remains. Less is more.
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White and Dark
Walking in snow in the dark. Where the white meets the dark at some distant vanishing point.
White and its ghostliness inspires my love of snow. I miss the snows of Alberta. I never knew nor understood a feeling for snow until I lived there.
Dark is the mystery and the magic of early morning walks at five a.m. with dogs under starlit skies.
White and dark – positive and negative. Such is life.
The Alberta Series
Living on the prairie I witnessed earth, air, wind and fire dictated by the seasons and the weather. The rippling vastness of snow that looked like a giant, white ocean, fiery skies, the summer landscape, mountain rivers, the rustling colours of autumn. It is a place where buffalo once roamed and were hunted by the first people to ever see and traverse this land. Now etched in my memory it is an image that will go with me when I die.
Blackfeet Country
In what remains of your country, your land, I heard the beating heart of a people who are still here. Seeing before me the histories, distortions, ambiguities, conundrums, consequences of actions past and present, changed my eyes. I did not say goodbye - to not return is impossible. With gratitude always.
Carnevale - Venice
February 2004
A birthday trip for Amy. Carnevale added colour, drama and frivolity to the February drizzle. At a cafe in St Mark's Square I drank coffee beneath an awning absorbing one of the jewels of European heritage and wondered if I could leave this to go to Canada. Yet I did.