The 20th century has been called “The Century of Conflict”
It could also be called “The Century of Social Change” or “Century of Loss”
Due to writing commitments and Covid this project keeps being pushed back. Research has to be gathered of which the key component would be filmed interviews of people’s life stories. This is entirely voluntary and as with the Blackfeet interviews.
Anyone interested in participating in this project or becoming a co-producer please contact me via the contact page.
Thank you.
20C.ThePeople evolved from the results of the interviews with Blackfeet Vietnam veterans of which a trailer has been created for private view only in seminars for now. This is a unique collection of very personal oral testimonies and any documentary presentation of this material requires a sensitive approach. These interviews and others will be archived along with others under 20C.ThePeople.
When interviewing members of the Blackfeet tribe of Montana, USA I realised that in a world now changing at such great speed the need to record the life stories of people who were born and lived during some of the key moments of the 20th century is imperative.
As the new millennium arrived, technology via the internet created the possibility of the digital archive in the form of an online library and depository for research material, memorabilia, photographs and so much more.
With over 30 years of personal research into Native America, art, history of art, the Americas and now Spanish Mustangs the dilemma has been about where to house it for posterity.
There are three categories for interviews.
(There could be others in the future.)
Combat Veterans
Veterans of any conflicts of the 20th century
About Our Generation
First generation Europeans born after WWII 1945-65
20th Century Child
Any age, childhood memories