Farman-Arts is the hub for interconnecting business, creative and research projects, past and present.
My research field is Contested Material Culture in Conflict Places.
A decade of field work in the American and Canadian West, following a MA in the Anthropology of Art, resulted in archives of recorded, filmed and photographic material.
Some of this research was taken to postgraduate level in a practice-as-research art exhibition in 2020 - COLONIAL CABALLO.
Creation of a new digital database in Montana where my Blackfeet research will be deposited begins digitization in 2024.
The framework of the M. Research in Creative Writing project (2020-21) was set against a backdrop of art theft in Paris during World War II.
The FARMAN-ARTS Virtual Museum
​Database - Archives - Galleries
To be a depository for all my research and visual arts
with family history and military service archive.
An organic project with no specific time frame.
Research - Education - Promotion
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